
Creffield Lodge Dental Practice

<p>Creffield Lodge Dental Practice, 20 Creffield Road Colchester, CO3 3JA</p>

Contact Us

Telephone: 01206 572093

On call for dental emergencies 9am-12pm Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays

Direct message on instagram: dr_jack_acorn

Address: 20 Creffield Road Colchester, CO3 3JA

Out of office hours, we have an answerphone. Please leave a clear message giving your name, reason for calling and contact number.

If you are a patient with an urgent dental emergency out of hours, please telephone our normal phone number and your call will be forwarded to the on call emergency dentist.


If you have toothache and call during office hours, we guarantee to see you the same day.

Please phone as early as possible; you may have to wait whilst we fit you in around other patients but we’ll do all we can to help.

Alternatively, you can contact us using the form below.

15 + 5 =

It looks professional, it feels professional and you can tell that you are being treated by a genuine expert. All my life I’ve hated going to the dentist. Now I go to Creffield Lodge, it really isn’t a problem.

Opening Times

Monday8.00 - 5.00
Tuesday8.00 - 5.00
Wednesday8.00 - 5.00
Thursday8.00 - 5.00
Friday8.00 - 4.00
SaturdayOn call 9am-12pm
SundayOn call 9am-12pm
Bank HolidaysOn call 9am-12pm
We close for lunch
from 12.30pm - 1.30pm